PSX saves You can just copy from psx mc and paste to i.e pendrive with FAT1216or 32. I converted the psx psu game saves to mcs to raw on the flash drive itself. It seems you are having all sorts of weird test results recently. LE 4.42d is the last official stable build, but most people I talk to will swear by AKuHAKs WIP7, myself included, as it is the only one I have used since my first day of testing it. I think that changed around 3.41 or something close to that. I havent tested it on a memory card yet, but u need 3 programs to get back on there. I think Ive found a way to reconvert psu saves that were done to psx saves. I burned a disc containing ulaunch 1.38, and it had no problem pasting aside from games that had a unique character. I think the default color is yellow, but u already know this. The release thread for wLE can be found here: The source information may seem a bit confusing, as it does still appear to list itself as uLE, even though it is a wLE release, but Ill leave the labelingnumbering system to the Devs (as they know best ) always.

I assume you used the ones with the same build-date krHACKen mentioned lol EDIT2: email protected Thanks again. If it is in the old version Im not sure it will be fixed, as the new version, when complete, will take its rightful place replacing anything previously released. I believe in SP193s work wholeheartedly, and Im sure if this is a bug in the current version being worked on, that it will be resolved if given time. My goal is to be back full steam and researching again within the month. However, if we are talking about the original uLE 4.43a, I believe that was indeed one of the known issues reported a few months back (but that release was only intended to make it possible to finally be able to format a 2TB HDD, and then be able to transfer files to and from a 2TB HDD afterwords, while also fixing the previously broken uLE reported HDDfilesizes when using HDDs larger than 1TB).BUT I could be mistaken, as I have been trying to rekindle several projects Ive sadly neglected, plus two new ones I picked up along the way, which have consumed most of my free time over the past six weeks or so. I know SP193 has been hard at work on his new fork of uLE called wLE (double-unofficial Launch ELF), which would make sense to me when judging by the date alone. I never had the need of a working laser for what I do on them (mostly internal HDD, and some USB stuff when testing only), so I never bothered fixing the opticals as everything else works as it should.

They were all fixer-uppers lol that is why I received them cheap or free. Sorry for bothering you if that was disabled on purpose and its actually not a bug. I got it working after I replaced oldlibslibcdvdlibcdvd.irx with an old build. The video title is Open PS2 Loader 0.7 by Gilberto Moreira, and the authors name is Gilberto Moreira.